If you’re feeling down after the whirlwind of emotions that come with pregnancy and child birth, you’re not alone. Did you know? Approximately 8 in 10 new mothers feel down after giving birth.
What is postpartum depression?
It’s no secret that adjusting to being a mom is difficult. New moms often feel tearful, impatient, irritable, restless or anxious during the first few weeks after giving birth. Most often, these feelings will go away on their own. Taking a nap, getting more rest, connecting with friends and families, can all help many moms beat the baby blues.
What if my postpartum depression doesn’t go away?
Unfortunately, for 1 in 5 new moms, the baby blues don’t go away. This is called postpartum depression and often appears four weeks after delivery, but can happen any time during your first year after giving birth.
What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?
Symptoms of postpartum depression can be mild or severe, and the severity of the symptoms can change over time. Women experiencing postpartum depression may have one or several of the following symptoms:
- nervousness, anxiety, panic, restlessness
- sluggishness, fatigue, exhaustion
- sadness, hopelessness, irritability
- eating and sleeping problems
- poor concentration, confusion, memory loss
- over-concern for your baby
- lack of interest in your baby
- feelings of guilt, inadequacy, worthlessness
- exaggerated emotional highs, lows or both
- fear of harming your baby, yourself or both
COVID-19 and postpartum depression
During this time of uncertainty in our world because of coronavirus, your feelings of anxiety, stress and concern could be heightened. Some symptoms of postpartum depression can be mistaken for the normal worry and stress many people are experiencing due to COVID-19.
Make sure to focus on what is causing your feelings. If you feel worried about your family and their safety because of coronavirus, you, like many other moms, just may be overly cautious right now. If these feelings persist, contact your health care provider about postpartum depression.
What should I do if I have postpartum depression?
It’s important to remember that you are not alone. While these symptoms and feelings will not go away on their own, they are treatable with medicine, talk therapy or both.
Talk to your health care provider about how you are feeling. They can help you decide the best treatment for you and can connect you with a mental health professional.
Are there at home treatments for postpartum depression?
There are some things moms can do at home to help manage depression symptoms:
- Ask for help with chores and night feedings.
- Avoid other major life changes during this time.
- Don't put pressure on yourself to do everything.
- Get fresh air by going for a walk (keep social distancing in mind).
- Join an online support group during COVID-19. Once the outbreak slows and socializing is allowed again, we recommend going to an in-person support group.
- Rest as much as possible.
- Spend time with your partner.
- Talk with family and friends about how you are feeling.
- Talk with other mothers.
Remember, these tips do not replace care from a health care provider or mental health professional.
Are there at home treatments for postpartum
depression? [H2]
There are some things moms can do at home to
help manage depression symptoms:
Ask for help with chores and night feedings.
Avoid other major life changes during this
Don't put pressure on yourself to do
Get fresh air by going for a walk (keep social
distancing in mind).
Join an online support group during COVID-19.
Once the outbreak slows and socializing is allowed again, we recommend going to
an in-person support group.
Rest as much as possible.
Spend time with your partner.
Talk with family and friends about how you are
Talk with other mothers.
But remember, these tips do not replace care
from a health care provider or mental health professional.