Chlamydia: Hard to spell, easy to contract
Curing chlamydia takes just one dose of an antibiotic, but it’s hard to cure Minnesota’s most common sexually transmitted infection when more than three of four victims don’t know they have it. Here in Minnesota, chlamydia rates have increased 65 percent over the past decade.
It has had the greatest impact on young adults ages 15 to 25 across all genders, race and geographical groups. While not the most fun conversation, it’s an important one to have with your partner or growing children. In this WELLcast, Amanda Ye, MD, tells us what chlamydia is, who is at risk, how it’s treated and how to talk about it with your partner or children.
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Get the facts about pelvic organ prolapse
Posted December 11, 2019
Pelvic relaxation sounds like a pleasant health and wellness technique to achieve inner peace, but it is not! Pelvic relaxation is another way to describe a bulge in the vagina known as “pelvic organ prolapse” or (POP).
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