Tips to keep you and your winter baby healthy
There's nothing better than cuddling with your newborn and staying cozy indoors together, especially during winter months. But, winter weather and winter illnesses can also make it hard to get out and stay healthy — both in mind and body.
Below are a few tips to keep you healthy and active during the winter months and protect your little one from winter woes.
Things to do when at home with baby
- Exercise by doing postnatal/baby yoga at home. In addition to the health benefits, baby yoga also provides a great bonding experience for you and your baby.
- Take short walks outside when weather allows. Moms with newborns in the winter months have an increased risk of post-partum depression, especially moms with seasonal affective disorder. Getting fresh air is so important during the winter and can boost your mood and energy level.
- Meet other moms. Consider joining a mom’s group where you can connect with moms and caregivers. Many of these groups, such as Fit4Mom Twin Cities, offer activities such as stroller strides classes that you can do together. When travel or meeting in person isn't an option, there are several virtual support groups so you can stay connected with other moms.
- Bring on the soup! Soups are great in the winter — healthy and warm! You can make them in bulk and freeze prior to your baby’s arrival so you have plenty of healthy options easily available.
Protecting baby
- It is OK to take babies out in the winter weather, within reason. It’s important to remember that babies lose heat much more quickly than adults. Little parts are most vulnerable: fingers, toes, ears and nose.
- Layers are best for keeping warm. A basic rule of thumb is that babies need one more layer than you do, and a hat. Be aware that snowsuits or bulky jackets are not safe under 5-point harness in car seats. It is better to dress your baby in a couple thin layers and tuck a blanket in over the harness once strapped in, or use a car seat cover. It’s also a good idea to warm up your car when possible.
- Keep vaccinations up to date. It is very important to make sure people in close contact with you and your baby are up-to-date on flu shots and whooping cough vaccinations. Infants have the highest risk for complications from the flu and whooping cough is especially dangerous to infants.
- Practice lots of handwashing. Babies born in winter are more susceptible to winter colds and viral infections. Try to stay away from people who are sick or have symptoms such as a cough or runny nose and try to avoid close contact with large crowds. Don’t be afraid to ask others to wash their hands before holding baby.
Five tips for transitioning baby to solid foods
Posted December 12, 2015
Introducing solid foods is a fun developmental stage in baby's first year, and there are many right ways to go about it.
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