When you think of proper running form you probably focus on your feet and legs. After all it's your feet and legs that propel you forward. However, proper running form really involves your entire body—it starts with your head and goes all the way to your feet.
With proper running form, you'll find that you don't tire as easily, can run farther and longer, and will experience fewer injuries. There's a lot that goes into good running form, but try not to get overwhelmed. The next time you're out for a run, focus on one or two areas. As you begin to master one running form, you'll begin to see effects on other areas of your running. For example, keeping your head up and looking ahead will help you keep your core straight and upright.
So, next time you go out for a run, see how small modifications can have a big impact on your and running form.
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Head: Look ahead at the horizon with head up. This will keep your neck and back in alignment.
Hands: Hold hands loose with fingers lightly touching palms. Drop your arms and shake out your hands if you begin to clench your fists.
Shoulders: relax your shoulders by keeping them low and loose. This will promote optimal lung capacity.
Arms: Have elbows at 90 degrees and move front to back. Avoid swinging arms across your body.
Hips: Keep hips stacked under the torso. Hips will naturally be in the ideal position when your torso and back are comfortably upright.
Knees: keep knees slightly bent and don’t life too high. This will allow you to keep your stride more efficient.
Feet: Keep your foot strike directly underneath your body. Feet should hit the ground lightly, not slap loudly.
Core: Hold yourself tall and upright, also known as running tall. An exaggerated lean forward or backward will decrease leg efficiency and cause strain on muscle groups.