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Halloween safety for your boos and ghouls

Homes that are well-lit or decorated signal to trick-or-treaters to visit. Homes with the curtains drawn and lights off would prefer to not have visitors. 

Always test your Halloween make-up before using it to make sure it doesn't irritate your skin or eyes. Remove it before bedtime.

Pack a flashlight if you start trick-or-treating while it's still light out. It gets darker earlier than you think! Once dark, it will help you see others and others see you.  

Pick through your trick-or-treaters' candy bag at the end of the night, making sure to examine everything to make sure nothing is tampered with. 

Young ghouls and ghosts should always be accompanied by an adult while trick-or-treating. 

Have a plan for the candy, and be in charge of it. All that sugar isn't good for your little ghoul. Offer a piece at a time for completing chores or good behavior. And for other healthy snacks in between the candy, check out our Health Powered Kids' snack ideas.

Adult supervision is a must for youngsters. If your children are spending Halloween with friends, make sure you know their trick-or-treat route. 

Look both ways before crossing the street and use crosswalks.

Lit candles can be easily knocked down and cause a fire. Choose battery-operated candles instead to keep your home and visitors safe. 

Opt for costumes that are flame resistant and well-fitting. A costume that is too big can be a tripping hazard. 

Walk on the sidewalk instead of cutting through lawns to get from house-to-house. This is not only respectful of people's homes, but also keeps you safer.

Eat foods that are wrapped. Avoid homemade treats.  

Eye safety is important on Halloween. Don't wear decorative, colored contact lenses which can be harmful to your eyes.

Never enter the home of a stranger. Remind your older trick-or-treaters who are spending Halloween with friends of this, too. 


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