Your health care team

As you prepare for your surgery, hospital stay and recovery period, a health care team will work with your surgeon to help you along your journey. Members of your health care team may include:

  • Nursing staff
    Nursing staff will instruct, support and guide you. They will coordinate your daily activities and help you with mobility treatments, personal care, pain management and discharge planning.
  • Anesthesiologist
    An anesthesiologist specializes in anesthesia and pain management. He or she will work with your surgeon to make sure you receive the right type of treatment before, during and after your surgery. During your surgery, he or she will give you the type of anesthesia that is right for you. He or she will also monitor your vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate.
  • Pharmacist
    A pharmacist will supply the medicines ordered by your doctor. He or she will watch to make sure your medicines work well and are safe.
  • Dietitian
    A dietitian will look at your nutritional needs. He or she will work with the health care team to create a diet for you. He or she may also provide education about your diet, if needed.
  • Integrative health practitioner
    An integrative health practitioner (if available at your hospital) may help you manage possible side effects before or after your surgery, such as pain, nausea or anxiety. He or she will also help you manage any stress you may have during your hospital stay. To do this, he or she will work with you using relaxation techniques, acupuncture or other integrative therapies.

You may also come in contact with other health care providers, including spiritual care and respiratory care.


Source: Allina Health's Patient Education Department, Understanding Your Colon or Rectal Surgery, can-ah-95399
First Published: 01/24/2013
Last Reviewed: 02/12/2025