The day before surgery

  • Tell your surgeon if you have any changes in your health (sore throat, cold, fever, dental problem, urinating problem) or skin condition (rash, abrasions). You may need to schedule your surgery for a later date.
  • Healthy skin free of scrapes or cuts is important to prevent infection. Before surgery do not do activities that may lead to skin cuts, scrapes, abrasions or wounds. Tell your surgeon if you have any of these skin conditions. Your surgery may need to be rescheduled for a later date.
  • Take your regular medicines (heart, blood pressure, diabetes or pain medicine) as directed by your primary care provider with a small sip of water. Your primary care provider will tell you if he or she does not want you to take any or all of your regular medicines.
  • Bathe or shower using the cleansing your skin for your surgery instructions or as directed by your surgeon.

Source: Allina Health's Patient Education Department, Hip Replacement, eighth edition, ortho-ah-90139
First Published: 10/01/2000
Last Reviewed: 02/12/2025