
The Regina Hospital Auxiliary was organized March 10, 1958. Its purpose is to give voluntary service to Allina Health United Hospital – Hastings Regina Campus and its patients through ways proposed or approved by the administration.

What we do

The auxiliary works to make every stay at Allina Health United Hospital – Hastings Regina Campus pleasant and comfortable, while receiving the best medical care possible. Through fund-raising activities like the annual bazaar and garage sale, gift shop and Country Store profits, and generous donations from donors, the Auxiliary has been able to purchase much needed hospital equipment that assists with diagnosis, treatment, and personal care.

The auxiliary members donate their time to hold birthday parties for nursing home residents, host monthly luncheons, assist with creative activities that are part of recreational therapy programs, and serve at weekly Ecumenical services. The Auxiliary also sponsors two scholarships each year to high school students who aspire to a career in a medical field. Download our brochure and learn more.

If you are interested in becoming an auxiliary member, please complete the volunteer application. Please indicate on the application you are interested in becoming an auxiliary member. 

Regina Hospital Country store

The Auxiliary has a Country Store, conveniently located in the Chapel Lobby of the Senior Living area, and a gift shop near the north main entrance in the Hospital. All proceeds benefit the residents and patients of Allina Health United Hospital – Hastings Regina Campus and Regina Senior Living.