Whole person care

Going through cancer treatment can be overwhelming. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. You may be experiencing many different emotions and physical changes. It is important to take time to care for yourself before, during and after your treatment.

couple hugging

We are here for more than just medical care

Support services are designed to help you cope with the feelings of grief, anger, sadness, fear and the overall adjustment to life with cancer. They provide an opportunity to talk about your overall well-being and how to navigate through cancer. These services are also a way to connect with other people who have similar concerns.

Support services are available on an individual basis and in many group settings. Ask your oncology social worker or nurse navigator for more information.

testimonial quote icon cancer support group of people
I went to a support group at the recommendation of my care coordinator and it was a little unnerving to walk into a room full of strangers...After attending a few times though, I started getting to know the women and the topics we covered were so interesting and helpful.
Allina Health Cancer Institute patient

Support Services

When it comes to cancer, it helps to know you're not alone. We encourage you and your family to gain support from our cancer experts, as well as from others going through similar experiences.

cancer counseling


Sometimes people need to talk with a licensed, skilled professional about the emotional impact of being diagnosed with cancer and receive support and guidance in addressing individual concerns. Counselors are available to meet with you alone, as well as with your spouse, partner or family members.

Learn more about counseling

two kids talking about simple talk program

Simple Talk Program

When a family is touched by illness, everyone feels its effects in their own way. This program is dedicated to meeting the needs of parents diagnosed with cancer, who have children under age 18.

Based on the book Simple Talk for Tough Times, this program can guide adults in the conversations they have with the children in their lives about a cancer diagnosis and help them cope with the ongoing changes cancer often brings.

Learn more about the Simple Talk program

cancer support group listening to leader talking

Support groups

Support groups are designed for people and families affected by cancer. These groups provide a place to connect with others and share thoughts, feelings and ask questions. Groups are usually led by a trained oncology professional and open to anyone. They often include talk about general topics such as adjustment and coping.

Find Allina Health support groups

social workers for cancer

Social Work

A social worker is available to support you and your family during your treatment and recovery. Services include providing individual and family counseling to help you and your family cope with the emotional side of cancer, along with talking about any concerns that may come up during treatment such as financial, employment or transportation.

Read more about oncology social work

contemplative person

Spiritual care

Support is available to you and your family to address concerns and feelings raised by a cancer diagnosis, and to encourage each person's own journey of faith and hope. The sacraments and rituals of numerous faith traditions are available. Ask a member of your health care team how to connect with spiritual care services at your hospital.

Penny George™ Institute for Health and Healing

Allina Health’s integrative oncology services (also known as “integrative medicine” or “complementary care”) is whole person care that makes use of therapies, health care providers and practices to help you experience the best health and healing. This team will work together with you to identify your preferences, values and goals in order to increase your sense of control, natural immunity and hope, as well as decrease inflammation and stress, to improve your well-being and quality of life.

Please note: Some of the services listed below are only available as bedside services during a hospital stay or for a cost. For more information on services offered by the Penny George Institute, please call 612-863-3333. Call your insurance provider to find out exactly what is and isn’t covered under your plan, and how much you have to pay yourself.

integrative nutrition for cancer

Integrative nutrition

Establishing and maintaining the best nutritional health and well-being can be a delicate balance at any stage of life. Integrative nutrition consultations can help you find that balance by providing personalized nutrition plans that nourish and support you on your health and well-being path.

therapeutic yoga

Integrative health and wellness coaching

Integrative health and wellness coaches provide support for needs such as stress reduction, resiliency, life satisfaction and development of lifestyle plans to support healing and quality of life. A coach can help you create realistic goals and a personal wellness vision.

guided imagery woman learning

Guided imagery

Guided imagery uses words and images to help move your attention away from the worry, stress and pain and help you find your own strength and creativity to support healing.

reflexology on hand as part of cancer treatment


Reflexology creates a relaxation response by applying pressure techniques and massage to your hands and feet to create physical changes in your body. This supports the body, mind and spirit to enter into its natural healing state.

healing touch as part of cancer treatment

Healing touch

Healing touch is based on the belief that each person has a dynamic, subtle energy field in and around the body that can be influenced to promote health.

therapeutic massage on head as part of cancer treatment

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage is the treatment of the skin and soft tissues of the body to enhance health and healing and promote relaxation. It can help to restore or maintain balance in your mind and body.

acupuncture on back


Acupuncture is part of an ancient medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. It stimulates your body's natural healing mechanisms and promotes well-being. An acupuncturist places thin, sterile needles into specific points on your body. Acupuncture can restore balance to your body, mind and spirit.

exercise physiologist to help with cancer treatment

Exercise and physiologist

Exercise physiologists can create the right physical activity plan for you—a plan that considers your current energy level, health needs and personal goals. The right amounts and types of physical activity have the potential to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence, improve sleep, help maintain a healthy weight and reduce fatigue (tiredness). It can also raise energy levels, improve mood and reduce anxiety, and strengthen muscles and bones.

cancer rehabilitation physical therapy being doing by patient with provider assistance

ribbonCancer rehabilitation

Rehabilitation can help you regain function, decrease fatigue and build strength.

Your treatment may include connecting you to resources for concerns with fitness and wellness, life and work activities, food, stress and anxiety. Together, you and your cancer rehabilitation care team will make a safe and appropriate therapy plan.

Learn more about cancer rehabilitation at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute.

Penny George Institute for Health and Healing logo

For more information on services or classes offer by the Penny George Institute, or to schedule an appointment, call 612-863-3333. You can also learn more about Penny George Institute by visiting allinahealth.org/pennygeorge.

Advanced care

Along with treating the cancer itself, Allina Health offers many ways to reduce symptoms, provide comfort and increase your quality of life.

two people hugging

Palliative care

Palliative care is for anyone who is in any stage of an advanced illness. This is care that provides relief from the symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both you and your family. A care plan is created to help you live each day to the fullest and be as independent and comfortable as possible.

Learn more about palliative care

man getting hospice care during cancer

Hospice care

Hospice care is a special way of caring for you, your family and your caregivers if you have advanced cancer. Hospice focuses on your comfort and quality of life while treating your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. The focus is on comfort and providing the highest quality of life possible.

Learn more about hospice care

Financial Support

Call your oncology social worker to find out if you are eligible for any financial grant programs. Listed below are some programs that are used often.

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Allina Health Financial Services

612-262-9000 or
Allina Health Financial Assistance

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Social Security Administration


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Cancer care

1-800-813-HOPE (4673)

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Angel Foundation


woman on laptop helping provide financial assistance for cancer treatments

Angel Foundation's Emergency Financial Assistance Program

Angel Foundation's Emergency Financial Assistance program provides assistance to adults in active treatment for their cancer. It provides assistance for basic, non-medical living expenses such as food, gas, utilities and rent or mortgage payments. Recipients must meet eligibility guidelines.

Know what to expect

A cancer diagnosis can change your life in an instant. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, confused or anxious about what to do next. That’s why we make it easy to find the information and resources you need at this difficult time.