Coworkers jump into action to save teammate who collapsed on the job

[Stillwater Gazette, February 02, 2024] The Stillwater Gazette interviewed Jim Svoboda, an Allina Health employee who collapsed on the job when he went into cardiac arrest at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute - St. Croix - Stillwater in October. His coworkers immediately began working to save his life. They performed CPR, used a defibrillator and made sure the ambulance had a clear path to Svoboda.

From the Stillwater Gazette: Svoboda doesn’t remember going down or any of what happened in between that and waking up on a bed, hooked up to monitors. Doctors told him he had died for a bit after going into cardiac arrest. He thought for a split second that it wasn’t real. His chest didn’t hurt or anything like that. He felt a bit weak, but otherwise he felt fine.

Read the rest of the article here.

resizeJim and the team
Jim Svoboda, pictured front and center, is surrounded by his wife and several of the people who helped to save his life when he collapsed on the job.
Posted on February 02, 2024 in Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute

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