Level IV trauma

Level IV trauma center

An ER nurse and doctor attend to a patientAs a Level IV trauma center, designated by the state of Wisconsin, the Emergency Department provides stabilization and advanced trauma life support.

What does “Level IV trauma center” mean?

  • A physician and nurses who are specially trained in caring for trauma patients are present in the Emergency Department 24/7.
  • The state of Wisconsin conducts an on-site inspection every three years to evaluate processes to ensure optimal trauma care is provided at River Falls Area Hospital. Trauma data is collected and reviewed to help identify injury prevention and community and staff educational opportunities.
  • A systematic improvement process addresses system issues and continually improves the patient care experience.

When trauma patients are brought to the Emergency Department, they are met by a highly trained team of experts including a physician, trauma nurses, certified nurse anesthetist, respiratory therapist, laboratory technician, radiology technician and pharmacist.

If a trauma patient’s injuries require access to specialists, seamless transfer to Regions Hospital, the closest Level I adult and pediatric trauma center, is quickly coordinated.