[KARE 11 News, March 15, 2023] By now, nearly every American has been affected in some way by the record-high inflation rates we've experienced over the past couple of years. A new Gallup poll gives an idea of just how much soaring costs are impacting who shows up at the doctor's office and who doesn't. The poll reports 38% surveyed say they or someone in their family put off medical treatment in 2022, up 12 percentage points from 2021.
In addition to the obvious health consequences of postponing care, Dr. Alex Vosooney, president of the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians, says it can drive up the cost further.
"If a condition progresses where now it becomes more serious or urgent issue, that can mean that we’re looking at an emergency room visit which can be costly," she said. "It could mean a higher level of care, like a surgery or intensive antibiotics or a longer course of therapy. And that can just bring up the cost for a patient."