Your activation request has been submitted. To finish setting up your device, please verify that you have completed the following (These steps must be completed on the mobile device you are registering for Haiku/Canto):
- Download the Haiku or Canto App on your device.
- From your mobile device, click the configuration link for the app you download (shown below) after reading through these directions. You will be redirected off of this page after clicking the link to the mobile app.
- Log into Haiku or Canto on your device (you will receive a message stating that the device is not registered yet). This step alerts Information Services that your device is ready to be activated.
- Information Services will then email you when your device is activated.
These links must be clicked from the mobile device with the app - this will not work on a computer.
If you have any questions, please contact the IS Service Desk at 612-262-1900612-262-1900 or 1-800-315-40851-800-315-4085.