Visiting guidelines

  • The ideal visiting time for ICU patients is 15 to 30 minutes. Visiting time may be shortened or extended as the patient’s condition changes.
  • Please limit visitors to two or three at a time.
  • Quiet times: To allow quiet time for patients in the ICU and time for the nurses to exchange important information regarding patients without interruption, visiting and phone calls are limited during change of shift report times: 7 to 8 a.m., 3 to 4 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. to Midnight. During these times, visitors may be asked to return to the family lounge to respect the confidentiality of other patients.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave the patient’s room, depending on the patient's care needs.
  • If the curtain is pulled or the door closed, please check with the nurse before entering.
  • To ensure the privacy and confidentiality of all our patients, visitors should not stand in the hallways outside the patient rooms. Visitors who are not in a patient room should return to the family lounge.

Children under 12 years may visit with the following guidelines:

  • Make prior arrangement with the nurse.
  • Prepare children prior to their visit to assure that the visit is beneficial for the patient and the child.
  • An adult must accompany children at all times.
  • Adults are responsible to monitor the child’s behavior.
  • Children should not sit on the floor, touch equipment or leave the room unattended.
  • Children who are fussy or crying should be taken out of the unit.

Pet visitation

It may be possible for your loved one’s pet to visit. Please ask a staff member for more information.