
Reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes through a lifestyle of good nutrition and activity.

Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes?

Place review each statement that you can answer "yes" to. The more items you check, the higher your risk for developing diabetes.

  • I have a parent, brother or sister who has diabetes.
  • My family background is American Indian, Asian American, black, Latino or Pacific Islander.
  • I had diabetes when I was pregnant - or - I have given birth to at least one baby who weighed nine pounds or more.
  • My blood pressure is 130/90 mm Hg or higher - or - my triglyceride level is 150 mg or higher.
  • I am fairly inactive.
  • I exercise fewer than three times a week.
  • I am younger than 65 years old - and - I get little or no exercise during a typical day.
  • I am older than 65 years old.
  • I am overweight.
  • My waist is more than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men.

Form and worksheets

Blood glucose record

Your plan for losing weight

Food and exercise diary

Source: Allina Health's Patient Education Department, Prediabetes: Reducing Type 2 Diabetes Risk Through a Lifestyle of Good Nutrition and Activity, first edition, dia-ah-94403
Reviewed By: Allina Health Patient Education
First Published: 04/02/2009
Last Reviewed: 01/28/2019