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Fitness, wellness and pool services

Helping you reach your personal best with accessible programming

Whatever your fitness and wellness goals, our expert and encouraging staff are here to help. We offer warm water pool classes and services, adaptive fitness centers, fitness classes and personal training and other one-on-one services.

Courage Kenny fitness, wellness and pool services are for people of all ages and abilities.

To register for classes, programs or activities, visit CK Active. If you have trouble logging in or registering, contact

Learn more about how to use CK Active.

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Adaptive fitness services can help if you are recovering from injury or illness, living with a disability or looking to improve overall health and wellness. Personal training services are also available. Pool (aquatic) classes and services are available in physically-accessible, warm-water swimming pools, where a certified lifeguard or instructor is on duty.

If you have completed an assessment and orientation, you can also participate in independent therapeutic exercise and independent fitness center times.  

More information

Assessment and orientation is required for all new pool and fitness participants.

Fees and time schedules vary by location. Please check each location for more information.

Pools have locker rooms for showering or changing. If you require assistance in the locker room or in the pool, you will need to bring your own attendant. A separate family locker room is available for you and your attendant. You will need your own padlock, swimsuit and towel. 

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First published: 10/1/2018
Last reviewed: 8/1/2018